
A Binary Search sounds incredibly intimidating. However, follows a very logical set of rules that perform an extremely efficient task.

I wanted to implement a binary search and also output exactly what decisions were being made as it runs. JS Fiddle was perfect for this!

A binary search is used to find a value within a list of sorted values in as little iterations as possible. In order to do this my binary search performs the following operations:

  1. Is the search value within the min and max range of the sorted list? If so proceed.
  2. Check if the value is equal to the median of the list. If it is, the value has been found in the list and the search stops.
  3. If not, the median is excluded from the search pool and the value is checked to be greater or less than the median.
  4. If it is greater, the pool becomes only the values greater than the median. If it is lesser, the pool becomes only those values less than the median.
  5. A this time the process repeats in a pattern called recursion that begins at step 2 until a match is found.

Try out the example. Give the input a number between 1-100. Now give it a number less than 1 or greater than 100. Give it a couple numbers separated by comas!

I implemented search failure functionality as well, only in order to test it you must uncomment this line of JavaScript: // if (i % 2 == 0) haystack.push(i); and then comment out this line of JavaScript: haystack.push(i);.